At this time we do not process firearm sales through this web site. Please call or email us to place an order - we normally do not have Schuetzen rifles in stock.
The CPA Schuetzen rifle is a reproduction of the Stevens 44 1/2 in classic offhand target configuration. These rifles are usually built to order, with a variety of options to suit your specific needs. We will contact you to confirm options and pricing for your rifle.
This model is usually built to order as to stock style, caliber, barrel size, shape and length. Available calibers include .22 Long Rifle, .25-20 Single Shot, .25-20 WCF, .25-21, 28-30 Stevens, .32-20 WCF or CPA, .32-40, .33-40, .38-55 and many others. Generally, Douglas XX or Shilen barrels are used, but Bartlein, Ron Smith and others are available at extra charge. Barrels are normally up to 28" long, but are available up to 34" long. Standard barrel sizes are #2 (1.00"), #2 1/2 (1.03"), #3 (1 1/16"), #4 (1 1/8"), and #5 (1 3/16") in part octagon or round. There is an extra charge for full octagon barrels, just as there was in 1902. Barrels are low luster blued, and have polished muzzles to show grease distribution. All barrels come drilled and tapped for Unertl/Fecker/Lyman scope bases with the rear base near the frame, MVA scope bases, or for modified Weaver 63-B scope mount bases for use with internal adjustment scopes. Schuetzen rifles come with either standard scope bases or the Weaver style. A front sight slot can be provided at no extra charge for 3/8" sights.
The CPA Schuetzen rifle is a reproduction of the Stevens 44 1/2 in classic offhand target configuration. These rifles are usually built to order, with a variety of options to suit your specific needs. We will contact you to confirm options and pricing for your rifle.
This model is usually built to order as to stock style, caliber, barrel size, shape and length. Available calibers include .22 Long Rifle, .25-20 Single Shot, .25-20 WCF, .25-21, 28-30 Stevens, .32-20 WCF or CPA, .32-40, .33-40, .38-55 and many others. Generally, Douglas XX or Shilen barrels are used, but Bartlein, Ron Smith and others are available at extra charge. Barrels are normally up to 28" long, but are available up to 34" long. Standard barrel sizes are #2 (1.00"), #2 1/2 (1.03"), #3 (1 1/16"), #4 (1 1/8"), and #5 (1 3/16") in part octagon or round. There is an extra charge for full octagon barrels, just as there was in 1902. Barrels are low luster blued, and have polished muzzles to show grease distribution. All barrels come drilled and tapped for Unertl/Fecker/Lyman scope bases with the rear base near the frame, MVA scope bases, or for modified Weaver 63-B scope mount bases for use with internal adjustment scopes. Schuetzen rifles come with either standard scope bases or the Weaver style. A front sight slot can be provided at no extra charge for 3/8" sights.
Base price: $3695
Price with unfinished wood: $3095
Click here for common options, or call us at 570-828-1669 for a quote.
At this time we do not process firearm sales through this web site. Please call or email us to place an order.